I'm using Unity for my project and trying to use Fabric sdk. I just downloaded 'Fabric.unitypackage' and import it to my project. After that, I tried to sign in with Fabric Editor in Unity. However, it failed over an over again. I have no idea why it's not working. There's error log with screen shot below. Anyone can help me?
"error": "invalid_resource_owner",
"error_description": "The provided resource owner credentials are not valid, or resource owner cannot be found",
"status": "unauthorized"
Mike from Fabric here. Unfortunately, we made a mistake when we re-issued a certificate for our fabric.io domains on Sept 26 which requires that you re-download and import the Unity plugin into your project. Sorry for this, but once you download version 1.2.8 or higher from https://fabric.io/downloads/unity, you'll be all set.