My main code is below:
Mtb.Application MtbApp = new Mtb.Application();
MtbApp.UserInterface.Visible = true;
MtbApp.UserInterface.DisplayAlerts = false;
Mtb.Project MtbProj = MtbApp.ActiveProject;
Mtb.Columns MtbColumns;
Mtb.Column MtbColumn1;
Double[] data1;
Hashtable htSingleColumn;
List<double> listSingleColumn;
int i = 1 ;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in htDataTable)
htSingleColumn = (Hashtable)de.Value;
listSingleColumn = (List<double>)htSingleColumn["listSingleData"];
data1 = listSingleColumn.ToArray();
MtbColumns = MtbProj.ActiveWorksheet.Columns;
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add(null, null, i);
// strLowlim and strUpplim have no influence on this issue here
strCommand = "Capa C" + i+" 1;" + ((strLowlim == "NA") ? "" : (" Lspec " + strLowlim + ";")) +((strUpplim == "NA") ? "" : (" Uspec " + strUpplim + ";"))+ " Pooled; AMR; UnBiased; OBiased; Toler 6; Within; Percent; CStat.";
// The program is crashing here as a result of the columns not being created sequentially
Mtb.Graph MtbGraph = MtbProj.Commands.Item(i).Outputs.Item(1).Graph;
MtbGraph.SaveAs("C:\\MyGraph" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss"), true, Mtb.MtbGraphFileTypes.GFPNGHighColor);
When running this code (with the crashing section commented out), I get the following output:
It should look like this:
I am really puzzled about this result. The variable i
is right, but what is affecting the column number?
I can't find much information on the Web about Minitab. I just read the start guide here.
This line is the problem.
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add(null, null, i);
The third parameter Quantity specifies the number of columns to add. On the first iteration of the loop, you add i = 1
column, but on the second iteration of the loop you add i = 2
columns. Each iteration of the loop will add an additional i
columns, when what you really want is to add one column each time.
Change the line to:
MtbColumn1 = MtbColumns.Add();