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Skype for business android SDK issue, Failed to load native library

I am trying to implement an app using Skype for Business Android SDK's

this is the document that helps to configure the SDK, which didn't help me integrating the aar files.

so, i integrated the libraries using new module --> import jar/aar files, that resolves my compilation error, i can now also get the class references from these SDK's. but when i run my application it says Failed to load native library.

there is an example on github that uses Skype for business SDK. where everything works like a charm. but i am still unable to figure out why it fails to load library in my application.

Does this Unspecified in my attached screenshot has to do anything with why my app is failing to load libaries?

Why this library is showing as unspecified?


  • Explicitly adding Architecture specific Native libraries helped me. SFB currently supports only armeabi.

    1) create a folder in your project's main lib/armeabi

    2) Extract Sfb library marked in yellow in the pic below.

    3) Navigate to SkypeForBusinessNative/jni/armeabi

    4) you will find five .so files, marked in white in the pic.

    5) paste them in the folder you created in step 1.

    You will have your application running.

    enter image description here