I am working on a Firefox web-ext. Is there a way by which I can get the favicon of the current website/tab. I referred to this but I don't think the %c
works anymore.This is my manifest.json (part of it) :
"permissions": [
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icons/love.ico",
"default_title": "Show URL and Favicon",
"default_popup": "popup/addsite.html"
The addsite.js
file looks like this :
var addnewsite = document.querySelector('.addnewbutton');
var siteContainer = document.querySelector('.site-container');
addnewsite.addEventListener('click', addNEWsite);
function onError(error) {
console.log('Error: ${error}');
}//generic error handler
function addNEWsite(){
function siteurl(){
browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }, function (tabs) {
function addurl(link){
var urltostore = link;
var gettingItem = browser.storage.local.get(urltostore);
gettingItem.then((result) => {
var objTest = Object.keys(result);
if(objTest.length < 1 && urltostore !== ''){
}, onError);
function storeurl(link){
var storingurl = browser.storage.local.set({link});
storingurl.then(() => {
}, onError);
function displayurl(link) {
var url = document.createElement('div');
var urlDisplay = document.createElement('div');
var urlPara = document.createElement('p');
urlPara.textContent = link;
Here is a snapshot when the button inside the extension is clicked:
You can see that I can get the url using the present code. But I also want to show the favicon of the page beside its url (favIconUrl shows the url of the icon, can i get it from there!?, if yes,how?). Can anyone help me out in doing this?
For those who need the code for this, here it is:
var favicon = document.createElement('img');
// get the url of favicon using favIconUrl function
favicon.src = "https://jsfiddle.net/favicon.ico";
// you can also append it to a container if you want to
Check out the fiddle for this.
For getting the url of the favicon, one can either append /favicon.ico
at the end or get it from the favIconUrl.