I'm getting a compilation error,
required from 'std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_iterator<_Val>, bool> std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_insert_unique(_Arg&&) [with _Arg = Solution::EnhancedNode* const&; _Key = Solution::EnhancedNode*; _Val = Solution::EnhancedNode*; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<Solution::EnhancedNode*>; _Compare = Solution::EnhancedNodeComparator; _Alloc = std::allocator<Solution::EnhancedNode*>]'
Unfortunately there is no line number, but my removing sections of code, I believe it has something to do with an std::set
that I want to apply a custom comparator to:
class EnhancedNode {
EnhancedNode(TreeNode* node) {
node_ = node;
distance_ = numeric_limits<double>::max();
discarded_ = false;
TreeNode* node_;
double distance_;
bool discarded_;
struct EnhancedNodeComparator {
bool operator() (const EnhancedNode*& a, const EnhancedNode*& b) const {
return a->distance_ < b->distance_;
set<EnhancedNode*, EnhancedNodeComparator> closest_;
set<EnhancedNode*, EnhancedNodeComparator> next_;
Am I doing anything obviously wrong?
The comparator of std::set
should definitely accept references to the const qualified type which is in the set.
What you got wrong is the qualification of the type in the set. It's EnhancedNode*
, so qualifying it with const should give EnhancedNode* const
. And not const EnhancedNode*
This is once again a case of leading const being misleading. Change your original comparator, with reference and all, to this:
struct EnhancedNodeComparator {
bool operator() (EnhancedNode const * const& a, EnhancedNode const * const& b) const {
return a->distance_ < b->distance_;
You can keep the const-qualified pointee, as well. Since C++ explicitly allows it.
The reason that your issue was fixed when you got rid of the reference, is that top-level const is ignored when passing by value. So it didn't matter the the pointer your function received as an argument wasn't const qualified. It was just a copy of the original.