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MRPT library COpenGLScenePtr does not name a type

I have installed mrpt from here for running this project. The problem is that I keep getting the following error.

error: ‘COpenGLScenePtr’ in namespace ‘mrpt::opengl’ does not name a type
     opengl::COpenGLScenePtr  scene;

in the scene_flow_visualization.h file of the project.

I also verified that there's a header file called COpenGLScenePtr.h which I manually tried to add inside scene_flow_visualization.h, but that still doesn't work.

What could be the issue ? Does anybody help me get rid of this please.


  • PD-Flow was designed for the MRPT 1.5.* series. Your problem is due to the change of smart pointer types from FooPtr to Foo::Ptr in the MRPT 2.* series, which you have installed.

    Please, remove your MRPT packages:

    sudo apt remove libmrpt* mrpt*

    remove the mrpt-2 PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:joseluisblancoc/mrpt

    and re-add them from this alternative PPA:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:joseluisblancoc/mrpt-1.5
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libmrpt-dev mrpt-apps

    If even after this you got problems, open an issue ticket to the PD-Flow repository.