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How to fully disable swagger-ui in spring-boot?(/swagger-ui.html should return 404)

I have read following topic: Disabling Swagger with Spring MVC

and I wrote:

public Docket api() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

But in case if I try to access swagger ui: localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
I see enter image description here

It looks not accurate. Can I fully disabled this URL ? 404 for example or something like this.


  • My answer is similar to the answer provided earlier with a slight difference. I usually create a separate spring profile named swagger. When I want to enable Swagger, l pass the following VM flag while starting my application, Here is an example of my Swagger configuration,

    @Profile(value = {"swagger"})
    public class SwaggerConfiguration {

    Next time when you try to access swagger-ui.html without swagger profile, you will get an empty Swagger screen but not 404.

    enter image description here

    If you don't want to load the static Swagger UI page at all, you can write a simple controller as shown below,

    public class DisableSwaggerUiController {
        @RequestMapping(value = "swagger-ui.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public void getSwagger(HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {

    Now if you try to access swagger-ui.html without swagger profile, you will get a 404.