I've implemented a basic search for a research project. I'm trying to make the search more efficient by building a suffix tree. I'm interested in a C# implementation of the Ukkonen algorith. I don't want to waste time rolling my own if such implementation exists.
Hei, just finished implementing .NET (c#) library containing different trie implementations. Among them:
I tried to make source code easy readable. Usage is also very straight forward:
using Gma.DataStructures.StringSearch;
var trie = new UkkonenTrie<int>(3);
//var trie = new SuffixTrie<int>(3);
trie.Add("hello", 1);
trie.Add("world", 2);
trie.Add("hell", 3);
var result = trie.Retrieve("hel");
The library is well tested and also published as TrieNet NuGet package.