I have some code that looks like this:
str.replaceAll('$', ' ');
return str;
What I'm trying to do here is replace every instance of $ in my string str with a space. But I get this error when I compile:
incompatible types: char cannot be converted to String
str.replaceAll('$', ' ');
But I'm not converting anything to string, I'm replacing a character by a space character. So why am I getting that error?
As per the javadocs the method you want to use is
public String replaceAll(String regex,
String replacement)
so your code should look like
str.replaceAll ("$", "");
If you really need to use replaceAll
then escape the "$" mark \\$
As in regex "$" has a special meaning (end of the String) and you do not have any special regex requirements then use replace
str = str.replace ("$", "");