I'm trying to capture a parameter passed in input to a mock object with PowerMockito, this is the code:
//I create a mock object
ClassMocked mock = PowerMockito.mock(ClassMocked.class);
//Create the captor that will capture the String passed in input to the mock object
ArgumentCaptor<String> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
//When the method put is executed on my mock I want the second parameter (that is a String) to be captured
Mockito.verify(mock).put(anyString(), inputDataMapCaptor.capture());
//Creates the instance of the class that I want to test passing the mock as parameter
ClassToTest instance = new ClassToTest(mock);
//Executes the method that I want to test
/* I know that during the execution of "methodToTest()" mock.put(String,String) will be executed and I want to get the second string parameter. */
When I execute the test I have an exception executing the line Mockito.verify(mock).put(...);
"Wanted but not invoked mock.put(any,Capturing argument);"
What is wrong?
You should call instance.methodToTest();
before Mockito.verify(mock).put(anyString(), inputDataMapCaptor.capture());