This is the code I've been using which I copied from here (from page 13 on; I could succesfully execute and parse an addition example from an input.txt file which contained numbers and + signs sintactically correct i.e. 4 + 2 returns six
, but 4 ++ 2 gives an error
options {
STATIC = false ;
PARSER_BEGIN ( Calculator )
import ;
class Calculator
public static void main ( String [] args)
throws ParseException, TokenMgrError, NumberFormatException
Calculator parser = new Calculator( ) ;
parser.Start(System.out) ;
double previousValue = 0.0 ;
PARSER_END ( Calculator )
SKIP : { " " }
TOKEN : { < EOL : "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n" > }
TOKEN : { < PLUS : "+" > }
TOKEN : { < NUMBER : <DIGITS> | <DIGITS> "." <DIGITS> | <DIGITS> "." | "." <DIGITS> > }
TOKEN : { <#DIGITS : (["0"-"9"])+ > }
void Start(PrintStream printStream) throws NumberFormatException :
previousValue = Expression()
{printStream.println(previousValue) ; }
double Expression () throws NumberFormatException :
double i ;
double value ;
value = Primary ()
i = Primary()
{ value += i ; }
{ return value ; }
double Primary () throws NumberFormatException :
Token t ;
t = <NUMBER>
{ return Double.parseDouble( t.image ) ; }
C:\Users\Jay\workspace\javaCC>javacc calculator0.jj
Generates all the required java files correctly, all those I compile with no errors nor warnings with
javac *.java
But then, When I try to run
java Calculator < input.txt
where input.txt contains
4 + 2 + 2
for some reason in this new version I get
Exception in thread "main" ParseException: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 11.
Was expecting one of:
<EOL> ...
"+" ...
at Calculator.generateParseException(
at Calculator.jj_consume_token(
at Calculator.Start(
at Calculator.main(
How can I fix this?
I found a solution. It was a little bug on that PDF and I was able to solve it. Only three characters needed to be added to fix that bug.
The answer is to change:
void Start(PrintStream printStream) throws NumberFormatException :
previousValue = Expression()
{printStream.println(previousValue) ; }
void Start(PrintStream printStream) throws NumberFormatException :
previousValue = Expression()
{printStream.println(previousValue) ; }
And it works like a charm.