I want to aggregate sensor values for each hour of the day. The time information comes from timestamps in the event stream. To that end, I've created four EPL statements:
I'm receiving events from approximately 300 sensors every 2-6 seconds. I have esper 6.1.0 embedded in a java application with a heap size of 8 GB. After about 15 minutes, the memory pressure is such that garbage collection goes into overdrive, rendering the application unusable. If I remove the last EPL statement, my application behaves normally again.
I'm somewhat perplexed by this behavior. I thought that when a context is used, esper would not accumulate events in memory.
So here's my question: Using EPL, how do I perform a simple aggregation (e.g. sum, average) such that the memory consumption is O(n) rather than O(n*t), where n is the number of sensors and t is the length of the time window?
For concreteness, here are my EPL statements.
Statement 1:
create context ctxPartitionById partition by sensorId from SensorEvent
Statement 2:
context ctxPartitionById
E.sensorId as sensorId,
prev(1, E.occurredAtHour) AS lastHour,
E.occurredAtHour AS currentHour
FROM SensorEvent#length(2) E
WHERE E.occurredAtHour != prev(1, E.occurredAtHour)
Statement 3:
create context ctxPartitionByIdAndHour
context PartitionedByKeys
partition by
sensorId, currentHour from HourChanged,
sensorId, occurredAtHour from SensorEvent,
context InitiateAndTerm
initiated by HourChanged as e1
terminated by HourChanged(sensorId=e1.sensorId and lastHour=e1.currentHour)
Statement 4:
context ctxPartitionByIdAndHour
SUM(E.value) AS sensorValueSum
FROM SensorEvent E
output last when terminated
is an instance of a java class that implements Comparable
is a java.util.Date
instance. Its value is a timestamp that has been rounded down to the hour.
is a double
Adding @Hint('enable_outputlimit_opt')
to the fourth and last EPL statement solves the issue.
Apparently esper retains events in memory when output last
is used, unless this particular hint is present. See 5.7.3. Runtime Considerations in the esper docs.