I have a component:
class Test: GKComponent {
override init() {
print("init ran")
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
print("coder init ran")
I also have a subclass:
class Testing: SKSpriteNode {
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
So in my scene editor, I have a sprite. In the editor I subclass it to Testing.
Also in the scene editor I add the component Test.
When I run the project, it runs fine, and it prints both print statements in the Component subclass.
Why does it use both init functions and how do I get it to use only 1?
How would I add something in this component like an action or something... Say I want the sprite to rotate for example? How would I do this?
Thank you for any help...
1) I guess you do not understand what a component is, A component is not the same thing as an SKSpriteNode
, in fact they are 2 completely different things with almost no relationship to each other. When you place a node on the scene with the scene builder, behind the scenes it makes an instance of GKEntity
and GKSKComponent
automatically. GKSKComponent
is the component that holds the SKSpriteNode
. Your Test
component is a component that does something else. Everything is compartmentalized. Best example, think of a bicycle. The wheels are a component, the chain is a component, the brakes are a component, each that serve a very unique purpose. You need to create (init) all of these objects to get a bicycle.
2) To get other components to work with your SKSpriteNode
, you need to get to the entity. The component should have access to it, so you just need to do self.entity
. Then you need to find the GKSKComponent
, which will have a link to the node you are looking for so that you may apply actions to it.
Here is my class I have made to make it easier for Components to access the node
import GameplayKit
class NodeComponent : GKComponent
public private(set) lazy var node : SKNode = self.entity!.component(ofType: GKSKNodeComponent.self)!.node
func resetNode(to node:SKNode)
self.node = node;