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Trouble with OPAM: External solver failure

Trying to develop with OCaml on Arch Linux 4.12.10, I keep running into this error message:

### stderr ###
# error: executing gringo failed (No such file or directory)
# error: gringo returned with non-zero exit status

[ERROR] External solver failure, please fix your installation and check /home/me/.opam/config and variable $OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER.
        You may also retry with option --use-internal-solver

This happens for example with these commands:

  • opam init
  • opam install ocamlfind
  • opam switch 4.02.3+buckle-master

Indeed, as the error message says, appending --use-internal-solver makes the commands run successfully.

But is there a proper fix for this?

My OPAM version is 1.2.2.


  • I had to install the package clingo, which contains gringo:

    sudo pacman -Sy clingo