If my page's JS has an obnoxiously long and computationally heavy operation, is there a quick and dirty way to know if they are AFK with no apps on or if they're mining bitcoin in 1000 threads?
In other words, is there a way to roughly gauge how "busy" a CPU is via JavaScript?
I'm referencing code that is being run by an extension.
I was thinking about running a hashing loop for a a few hundred milliseconds and get a report on how long it took, however this doesn't take into account background processes, overall CPU power, et cetera.
I'm referencing code that is being run by an extension.
If you by extension mean WebExtension there is the Idle API* you can use to queryState()
. However, the IdleState result can only return the states "active", "idle" or "locked".
The latter two should be useful though.
*) The API is not fully supported in Edge at this moment.