I have my project based folder as follows.
| |___dist
| | |____js
| | |___app.js(converted)
| |___src
| | |____js
| | |___app.js
| |___index.html
| |___dist
| | |____js
| | |___app.js(converted)
| |___src
| | |____js
| | |___app.js
| |___index.html
here I have a root folder. under the root folder I have project folder with es6 and they will we converted and converted file will be saved in dist folder.
project folder will be created dynamically. since there will be new project folders I cannot mention a correct path in between root folder and the src folder of each project. how can I define a path. I want to find the changes of JavaScript files in src folder in each project. not the dist folder..
I cannot use './rootFolder/**/*'
since this will detect all the Javascript files inside the project including the dist folder.
need help thank you.
you could simply do './rootFolder/**/src/**/*.js'
there is a discussion here