I have the following data in range "A1:E3"
1 2 12 25 30
3 13 23 28 31
5 14 17 18 35
I need to find out how many numbers falls in the range of 1 to 10 in each row. Eg. In Row 1, there are 2 numbers in the range of 1 to 10, in Row 2, there is only 1 and in Row 3, there is 1 so the total is 2+1+1=4. Similarly, I need to find how many numbers falls in the range of 11 to 20, 21 to 30 and 31 to 40 for each row. I wrote a sumproduct formula and added it twice by changing the range.
1 to 10 4
11 to 20 5
21 to 30 4
31 to 40 2
I have the above date in Range G1:J4 where column J has the below formula which is pulled down 2 more rows.
When my rows increases, the formula grows bigger and bigger. Can anyone suggest a better formula for this?
The frequency formula was built specifically for this type of problem. In my worksheet I highlighted the range "C8:C11" and I array entered this formula with CTRL + Shift + Enter: