I have a simple routine that creates an audiocontext node and loads it with a buffer. The onended event seems to fire at the start. I set a timer for the duration and the onended event triggers about that amount of time before the audio stops playing. Anybody know how to get a true onended event. I tried to use the destination as well as the source, same result
function playSoundFile(buffer) {
'use strict';
audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
audioSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
audioSource.buffer = buffer;
audioSource.playbackRate.value = 1;
audio_player = audioCtx.destination;
audioSource.addEventListener('onended', whatsUp());
console.log('start ' + showTime());
the timestamp is only 1 ms different between the play and the onended event. filePlayed starts a timeout event to show time at beginning and end.
Okay, guest271314 had it mostly right.
the documentation is confusing. The eventListener is "ended" not "onended" and you have to use function name with the parans
audioSource.addEventListener('ended', whatsup);
takes care of the problem. Thanks.