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Getting started with microchips

I am curious about small processor (whats the correct term?) chips that I can interact with my cell phone. But my current internet searches have made me realize how ignorant in this technology I am. Can anyone suggest a good starting point for learning & working on these? Here is what I am thinking of:

  1. wifi and/or bluetooth enabled
  2. Write and secure code to put onto the chip ( bluetooth?)
  3. general and affordable chip technology I can buy to start coding on and learning more about this.
  4. what languages and OS are supported

I know this is very vague, but this is such a new domain to me, I am not sure where to get started.


  • You could do worse than purchase a Raspberry PI. It has Bluetooth (get a PI 3), It's also designed to be cheap enough to mess about with without worrying too much if it breaks.