I am trying to understand how ABP does the above.
The normal workflow in ABP is:
What I have done to try to understand:
I have looked at the Abp source code and got the impression that this is being done by Open Generics between IRepository<T>
and EfCoreRepositoryBase<T>
with Factory magic. However, I tried to do this in AspNetCore DI with:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
// adding DbContext
// adding Mvc etc....
// RepositoryBase => like EfCoreRepositoryBase in ABP
// Error on this line, DI can not instantiate RepositoryBase as it is abstract
services.AddTransient<IRepository<>, RepositoryBase<>);
Please can someone explain the mechanism to me?
The magic is in EfGenericRepositoryRegistrar.cs
foreach (var entityTypeInfo in _dbContextEntityFinder.GetEntityTypeInfos(dbContextType))
// ...
Note that EfCoreRepositoryBaseOfTEntityAndTPrimaryKey.cs
is not abstract.