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Why is my algorithm O(1) additional space complexity?

I solved this problem from codefights:

Note: Write a solution with O(n) time complexity and O(1) additional space complexity, since this is what you would be asked to do during a real interview.

Given an array a that contains only numbers in the range from 1 to a.length, find the first duplicate number for which the second occurrence has the minimal index. In other words, if there are more than 1 duplicated numbers, return the number for which the second occurrence has a smaller index than the second occurrence of the other number does. If there are no such elements, return -1.

int firstDuplicate(int[] a) {
    HashSet z = new HashSet();
    for (int i: a) {
        if (z.contains(i)){
            return i;
    return -1;

My solution passed all of the tests. However I don't understand how my solution met the O(1) additional space complexity requirement. The size of the hashtable is directly proportional to the input so I would think it is O(n) space complexity. Did codefights incorrectly test my algorithm or am I misunderstanding something?


  • Your code doesn’t have O(1) auxiliary space complexity, since that hash set can grow up to size n if given an array of all different elements.

    My guess is that the online testing infrastructure didn’t check memory usage or otherwise checked memory usage incorrectly. If you want to meet the space constraints, you’ll need to go back and try solving the problem a different way.

    As a hint, think about reordering the array elements.