JSLint keeps returning the following error: Expected '{' instead saw 'type', how can I fix it?
var pfx = ['webkit', 'moz', 'MS', 'o', ''];
function prefixedEventListener(element, type, callback) {
for (var p = 0; p < pfx.length; p++) {
if (!pfx[p]) type = type.toLowerCase();
element.addEventListener(pfx[p]+type, callback, false);
I think as per JSlint rules, if
should have braces
if (!pfx[p]) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
From JSLint docs,
Blocks (http://www.jslint.com/help.html)
JSLint expects blocks with function
, if
, switch
, while
, for
, do
, and try
statements and nowhere else.
JSLint expects that if
, while
, do
and for
statements will be made with blocks {
that is, with statements enclosed in braces}
JavaScript allows an if to be written like this:
if (condition)
That form is known to contribute to mistakes in projects where many programmers are working on the same code. That is why JSLint expects the use of a block:
if (condition) {
Experience shows that this form is more resilient.