I am currently working on an animation to compare two stock exchange algorithms. I am running the algorithms within the paint component extending JComponent. (not the best, but I don't care) I need to have the screen refresh half way through the paint component. I do not want it to have to get all the way through before it up dates the screen. The reason being is I have one algorithm with a nested while loop and the other without. How would I go about doing this?
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
//calls in the super class and calls the calibrate the graphics method
Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
calibrateFrame( getHeight(), getWidth() );
//Clears the rectangle to avoid overlaying, makes it black
g2D.clearRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g2D.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
//Draws the rectangles without the algorithm started
redraw(g2D, -1);
fastSpans[0] = 1;
slowSpans[0] = 1;
//Makes a new stack pushes 0 on the stack
Stack myStack = new Stack();
//If it has not been sorted or paused, continue the algorithm
if (!(pause) && !(sorted)){
//The slower algorithm needs to start out at zero (j)
int j = indexValue-1;
//Calculates the values for the X and Y coordinates for the
//new rectangle, along with the height
int slowY = calSlowY(j);
int slowX = calSlowX(j);
int curHeightSlow = (int) ((stocks[j]/maxStockValue)*maxHeight);
//Here is the actual algorithm
int k = 1;
boolean span_end = false;
//Nested While Loop
while (((j-k)>0) && !span_end){
if (stocks[j-k] <= stocks[j]){
k = k + 1;
// Draw the current component
// **********************
else{ span_end = true; }
slowSpans[j] = k;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfStock ; i++){
if (!(indexValue >= numberOfStock)){
while (!( myStack.empty()) && (stocks[(int)myStack.peek()]) <= stocks[indexValue]){
if (myStack.empty()){
fastSpans[indexValue] = indexValue + 1;
else {
fastSpans[indexValue]= indexValue - (int) myStack.peek();
//System.out.println("Im in the else");
Don't understand what half way means.
If it means half of the component, then the simple way is to using two JComponent.
If u means in same component one line updated but another line not updated.
What I understand the repaint is calling when it packs(), updateUI(), or caused by invalidate(). So in my view, the repaint() should only care about paint these lines/2D, and in another thread to execute these loops/generate these data. Once the data collection is finished just call updateUI()/paintImmediately.
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()