I have this single line of code:
console.log(`now running each hook with name '${chalk.yellow(aBeforeOrAfterEach.desc)}', for test case with name '${chalk.magenta(test.desc)}'.`);
the problem is I have to put it on multiple lines in my IDE, for it to fit (I go with 100 columns). When I put a template string on multiple lines, the template string interprets it as newline characters, which is not what I want.
So my question is - how can I have multiple lines of template string code without having it be logged with new line characters?
use a backslash - \
- at the end of every line to avoid an insertion of \n
now running each hook with name \
'${'foo'}', for test case with name '${'bar'}' \
Another option should be to use .split("\n").join('')
which will replace all newlines with a empty string