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What's the best way to shrink a calendar to only contain the necessary calendar objects depending on a start and end date

Using iCal.Net.

What I'm trying to achieve, is to shrink a calendar to send it over the internet, so I don't have to send the whole calendar, which would be wasteful (considering it can get big) if I'm asked what happens in a single day.

We should only send what occurs in the given period.

Calendar.GetOccurrences(IDateTime startTime, IDateTime endTime)

Seems to be a good start, I'm not sure how to get the actual CalendarObject then, nor if it's the good approach.


  • That's a use case I haven't encountered before, but it shouldn't be too difficult. I think I'd do something like this:

    var relevantEvents = bigCalendar.GetOccurrences(start, end)
        .Select(o => o.Source)  // The parent IRecurrable
        .Cast<Event>()          // Which is an Event/CalendarEvent
    var smallerCalendar = new Calendar();
    // I should add an extension method to UniqueComponentList for AddRange()
    foreach (var relevantEvent in relevantEvents)