Search code examples

Is MVVM possible/viable in a DHTML RIA application (no Silverlight/WPF)?

Note: This is a long winded question and requires a good understanding of the MVVM "design pattern", JSON and jQuery....

So I have a theory/claim that MVVM in DHTML is possible and viable and want to know if you agree/disagree with me and why. Implementing MVVM in DHTML revolves around using ajax calls to a server entity that returns JSON and then using html manipulation via javascript to control the html.

So to break it down. Lets say I'm building a search page that searches for People in a database.....

The View would look something like this:

        <body viewmodel="SearchViewModel">
            Search:<br />
            <input type="text" bindto="SearchString" /><br />
            <input type="button" value="Search" command="Search" />
            <br />
            <table bindto="SearchResults">
                        <th>First Name</th>
                        <th>Last Name</th>

Using some non standard attributes on my html elements, I have declaritively defined a View and how it will interact with my ViewModel. I've created a MVVM parser in javascript that interprets the non-standard attributes and associates the View with a JSON object that represents the ViewModel.

The ViewModel would be a JSON object:

        //View Model SearchViewModel would be assocaited with View because of <body viewmodel="SearchViewModel">
        var SearchViewModel = {
            //SearchString variable has a TwoWay binding 
            //to <input type="text" bindto="SearchString" /><
            //if a user types into the text box, the SearchString property will "auto-magically" be updated
            //because of the two way binding and how the element was interpreted via my MVVM parser
            SearchString: '',

            //SearchResults has a OneWay binding to <table bindto="SearchResults">
            SearchResults: new Array(), 

            //Search function will get "auto-magically" get called because of 
            //the command binding to <input type="button" command="Search" />
            Search: function() {
               //using jquery to call into the server asynchronously
               //when the server call is completed, the PopulateSearchResults method will be called
                         { searchString: SearchViewModel.SearchString },

            PopulateSearchResults: function(data) {
                //set the JSON array
                SearchViewModel.SearchResults = data;
                //simulate INotifyPropertyChanged using the MVVM parser

The Model can be any server side asset that returns this example, I used asp MVC as a restful facade:

        public JsonResult SearchForPerson(string searchString)
            PersonDataContext personDataContext = new PersonDataContext(); //linq to sql.....

            //search for person
            List<Person> results = 
                                 .Where(p => p.FirstName.Contains(searchString)
                                             || p.LastName.Contains(searchString))

            return Json(results);

So, again the question:
Is MVVM possible/viable in a DHTML RIA application (no Silverlight/WPF) or have I lost my mind?

Could this "MVVM framework" be a good idea?

Proof of Concept:


  • This would probably be a good time to link to knockout JS, which is a javascript mvvm framework.

    You may also want to look at backbone, a javascript MVC framework: