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jGiven Output Directory

Is there a way to change the output directory for the generated reports to an custom directory - in particular for the .json-Report files?

Documentation says ( - 4.2):

[...] JGiven tries to autodetect when it is executed by the Maven surefire plugin [I'm using it] and in that case generates the reports into target/jgiven-reports/json. [...]

I'm using jGiven with Maven (for Appium Tests).

Configuration (pom.xml - dependencies):


Configuration (pom.xml - build/plugins):


Since the directory is defined by jGiven it does not help to change the build-directory. It would still use the target/jgiven-reports/json directory.

Thanks in advance!


  • If somebody else is curious:

    I found: String reportDirName = System.getProperty( JGIVEN_REPORT_DIR ); in (current master).

    Important part of it:

    private static final String TRUE = "true";
    private static final String FALSE = "false";
    private static final String AUTO = "auto";
    private static final String JGIVEN_REPORT_ENABLED = "";
    public static final String JGIVEN_REPORT_DIR = "";
    private static final String JGIVEN_REPORT_TEXT = "";
    private static final String JGIVEN_REPORT_TEXT_COLOR = "";
    private static final String JGIVEN_FILTER_STACK_TRACE = "";

    So you can either set your system properties via the maven-surefire-plugin in the pom.xml:


    or just use Java's System.setProperty("", "/my/custom/dir")