so basically I'm trying to install pyscripter for my computer, and am aware that Python 2.4 or higher is needed to run the program.
My computer specs, first of all, are: Windows 10 (64bit) Intel CPU 4GB ram (or at least the important ones)
Now when I go to, there are about a thousand different downloads available like 'Python 3.7.0a1' or '3.6.3rc1' or '2.7.14', most of them being x86, and some of them having x64 next to them which I am assuming is 64 bit, and some of these files are a .zip file, executable file, MSI installer etc. What I want to know is:
You can install 2.7.14 version of python to run pyscripter. On a seperate note you can intall/run multiple versions of python on your machine if you want/require.
It's a installer for microsoft operating systems.
No - However you can configure pyscripter to use a specific version of python as per the requirement.