I run the spring cloud dataflow with local server.when i run the stream which is defined like this
http --port=8787 | transform --expression=payload.getValue('name') |
jdbc --columns=name --table-name=http_table --password=******
--driver-class-name=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username=root --url='jdbc:mysql://'
I use a processor transform
transform --expression=payload.getValue('name')
but it got error like that
2017-09-16 20:01:57,561 ERROR -kafka-listener-1 o.s.k.l.LoggingErrorHandler:37 - Error while processing: ConsumerRecord(topic = http_jdbc04.http, partition = 0, offset = 0, CreateTime = 1505563314419, checksum = 1043955671, serialized key size = -1, serialized value size = 102, key = null, value = [B@5b1b4ce3) org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformationException: Failed to transform Message; nested exception is org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: nested exception is org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1004E: Method call: Method getValue(java.lang.String) cannot be found on java.lang.String type, failedMessage=GenericMessage [payload={"name":"world"}, headers={kafka_offset=0, id=0392ca58-6644-91fb-9454-a41e83854955, kafka_receivedPartitionId=0, contentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8, kafka_receivedTopic=http_jdbc04.http, timestamp=1505563317552}]
Here is the doc that i follow spring-cloud-dataflow-docs
And the Spring cloud dataflow version:
1.spring cloud dataflow local server 1.2.3.RELEASE
2.Java: 1.8.0
I solved the question.
this cannot work:
transform --expression=payload.getValue('name')
you should use the #jsonPath(payload, '<json path expression>')