I have this problem as noted below:
Column A = Part number
Column B = Quantity
Column C = Part number
Column D = Quantity
Using conditional formatting, I would like to highlight if the combination of Part number and Quantity in Column A and B is different to the combination of Part number and Quantity in Column C and D.
Col A Col B Col C Col D
1 1111 2 1112 5
2 1112 3 1111 2
3 1131 5 1112 5
4 1122 3 1131 2
To do this, I'd like to set up a couple of 'helper' columns (say E & F) by concatenating Column A & B, C & D.
So essentially, I'd like to take the information from the helper columns E & F, but use conditional formatting to highlight the cell in column B and D.
From the example above, cell B3 and D4 would be highlighted.
Is this possible, and if not, is there are simple alternative? (I don't mind using a macro if need be).
I would use COUNTIFS
For B1:B4
and for D1:D4