The following code is used by me to dynamically generate a QLabel and QLineEdit(vertically) based on a QStringList(named newList) !
for(int i=0;i<newList.size();i++)
QlineEdit *a=new QLineEdit();
QLabel *b= new QLabel();
Both the labels and line edits are generated and the items of the string list is depicted in the labels!But the problem I face is that label corresponding to each line edit is not alligned horizontally with that line edit! How can I correct this?
You can put the LineEdit and Label in a QFrame and than put the QFrame in the vertical Layout. Or you use a horizontal layout for LineEdit and Label and put this to the vertical layout.
edit: (not tested and only write quickly!)
for(int i=0;i<newList.size();i++)
QFrame *f = new QFrame();
QlineEdit *a=new QLineEdit( f );
QLabel *b= new QLabel( f );