I'm a newbie on Apache Nifi and have the following Problem: I would like to transform a json file as follows: From:
"Property1": "x1",
"Property2": "Tag_**2ABC**",
"Property3": "x3",
"Property4": "x4"
"**2ABC**_Property1": "x1",
"**2ABC**_Property3": "x3",
"**2ABC**_Property4": "x4"
it means: taking the value from a certain Attribute to update all other attributes. I could find examples using JoltTransformer-Processor that works well when the update is only adding a string. But not for my case What I've done so far: I have set each Attribute using evaluateJSONPath processor. But I just tried quite a lot of possibilities to use the update Attribute processor to do it without success. All my possible tests looked like (within UpdateAttribute):
Property1 --> ${'Property2':substring(4,6)}"_"${'Property1'}
Using Jolt:
{"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"Property1": "${'Property2':substring(4,6)}_${'Property1'}"
Which point am I missing here? Thanks in advance!
I don't know about Nifi, but here is how you can do it in Jolt.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
// match Property2
"Property2": {
"Tag_*": { // capture the nasty "**2ABC**" part to reference later
// go back up the tree to the root
"@2": {
// match and ignore Property2
"Property2": null,
// match Property* and use it and the captured
// "prefix" to create the output key
// &(2,1) references the Tag_*, and pull off the "**2ABC**" part
"Property*": "&(2,1)_&"