I am trying to invoke a c++ method from java using JNA on a mac/unix environment.
I have two questions.
So far I could successfully implement simple examples but I am not sure how i could write a java counter part for the following C++ method:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){...}
Java code I tried
public interface CTest extends Library {
int main(int argc, Pointer argv);
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Error looking up function 'main': dlsym(0x7fdee8c39300, main): symbol not found
Also tried the following
public interface CTest extends Library {
int main(int argc, Object... argv[]);
//doesnt work either - int main(int argc, String argv);
To no avail. Same issue- symbol not found. Any tips? Ultimately I need to do something like this:
CTest ctest = (CTest) Native.loadLibrary("ctest", CTest.class);
String obj[] = new String[]{"-v, filepath/file"};
ctest.main(2, obj);
wont work. How can I achieve this?Ok I figured this out myself, hoping for a quick answer but whatever. Here is the solution:
Answer-1 : Below is my interface method.
public interface CTest extends Library {
public int main(int arc, String[] argv);
Answer-2: This is how I am planning to handle multithreading
String argv[] = {"-v","path-to-file/file.extension"};
//load a different library later if required.. this way multiple threads load respective libs when/what they want
HelloJNA.CTest ctest = (HelloJNA.CTest) Native.loadLibrary("mylib", HelloJNA.CTest.class);
Hope this helps.