I have atom foo
(defonce foo (r/atom "foo"))
I have parent component:
(defn parent-component []
(js/setTimeout #(reset! foo "bar") 5000)
(child-component {:foo foo}))
And I have child component:
(defn child-component [props]
(let [derefed (deref (:foo props))]
(fn []
[:p derefed]
[:p (deref (:foo props))]])))
Only second paragraph is updated after reseting foo
Why is it working that way?
From the re-frame documentation regarding Form-2 components: https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Creating-Reagent-Components#form-2--a-function-returning-a-function.
You need to repeat the outer function parameters again in the inner function:
(defn child-component [props]
(fn [props]
(let [derefed (deref (:foo props))]
[:p derefed]
[:p (deref (:foo props))]])))