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How do I connect to a remote VisualSVN server?

I am trying to use VisualSVN and PhpStorm to connect to a remote VisualSVN Server. I have the IP address to the machine, and I have specified the path to the machine in both programs.

The paths I have tried:

In Visual SVN, I receive Cannot connect to WMI namespace. RPC server is unavailable. (0x800706BA)

PhpStorm gives me svn: E210002: There was a problem while connecting to when I use svn+ssh and svn: E210003: connection refused by the server when using svn://

Right now I am attempting to simply connect to the remote repositories, but the end goal is to be able to add repositories remotely.

Any help is appreciated!


  • svn://


    These addresses are invalid. There should be no c: there. Moreover, VisualSVN Server does not server the repositories via svn: or svn+ssh: svnserve's protocols. It serves the repositories via HTTP(S). You must double-check the correct URL. You can find it in VisualSVN Server Manager MMC console.

    If you want to add the repositories remotely, you must be VisualSVN Server administrator (a member of VisualSVN Server Admins group on the server computer) and the server must be setup for remote administration per the article KB25: Configuring Remote Administration. Don't forger that you can also use PowerShell to administer the server remotely, see the page PowerShell Scripting and Automation with VisualSVN Server.