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How to send a trigger to Puppet?

Is there anyway to send a trigger to Puppet to perform a series to tasks ?

The application is served by Apache httpd. Every once in a while developers make changes to the product which in turn requires us to restart Apache. However, I cannot figure out how to send a request to Puppet which in turn will restart Apache.

Basically, this is more of a asynchronous request compared to a "serial" or synchronous flow of Puppet run that executes every 30 minutes.

Any thoughts on this ?


  • Remember that puppet is not a task manager. puppet is a state manager.

    • It does not start or restart httpd; rather, it ensures that httpd is running.
    • It does not upload files, it verifies that files are installed and up-to-date.

    The distinction is important.

    That said ...

    Is puppet also managing the changes being made by the developers?

    If so, then you should be able to create a puppet rule

    exec { httpdrestart :
        command => "/sbin/service httpd restart",
        refreshonly => true,

    and then attach to whatever puppet rule is managing your developers' changes

    file { '/var/www/html/mywebproject.html':
      ensure => present,
      source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/mywebproject.html',
      notify => Exec["httpdrestart"]

    that after this file is installed/updated/changed, httpd needs to be restarted.

    If you just expect puppet to restart httpd simple because you asked it to, then you either need to use a program like ansible which is more of an actual task manager, or use some kind of inotify thing to see that a certain file has been changed, so httpd must be restarted.

    (caveat -- but I know nothing about inotify beyond the name.)