Using CloudKit v1 you could save a record like this:
function demoSaveRecord(recordName,recordChangeTag,zoneName,name,location,asset) {
var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer();
var privateDB = container.privateCloudDatabase;
var record = {
recordType: 'Items',
fields: {
name: { value: name }, ...
return privateDB.saveRecord(record,options)
.then(function(response) {
if (response.hasErrors) {
// Handle the errors in your app.
throw response.errors[0];
} else {
// It worked
var createdRecord = response.records[0];
But in CloudKit JS v2 they removed the .saveRecord option.
So now I'm stuck because I can't figure out how to save a record in v2. If anybody can help me, or can show me good documentation for v2, please help.
CloudKit JS API diffs v2
Apparently you have to use .newRecordsBatch().create(record).commit()
In my example it would look like this:
function demoSaveRecord(recordName,recordChangeTag,zoneName,name,location,asset) {
var container = CloudKit.getDefaultContainer();
var privateDB = container.privateCloudDatabase;
var record = {
recordType: 'Items',
fields: {
name: { value: name }, ...
return privateDB.newRecordsBatch().create(record).commit()
.then(function(response) {
if (response.hasErrors) {
// Handle the errors in your app.
throw response.errors[0];
} else {
// It worked
var createdRecord = response.records[0];
You can use the same method to create, update and delete records like this:
Documentation can be found here: