The following is a code snippet that I'm working on with for a recommender. Although,
import breeze.linalg.Vector
been made, the error mentioned above appeared when calling 'norm'. Can someone please suggest a fix for this matter and the reason. The code snippet is as follows.
object CosineDistance extends DistanceMetric with Serializable {
def getDistance(v1: Vector[Double], v2: Vector[Double]) = {
val dotProduct: Double = v1 dot v2
val v1norm: Double = v1.norm(2.0)
val v2norm: Double = v2.norm(2.0)
1 - (dotProduct / (v1norm * v2norm))
override def getName: String = "cosine"
override def getDescription: String = "Cosine distance"
For norm, seems there is no implicits
for Vector
, you should use it like:
import breeze.linalg._
val v1norm: Double = norm(v1, 2.0)