I am currently thinking about the layout of a feature for our app and since this is by far the heaviest part, I am not sure how to design it:
We want users to give the possibility to backtest their assumptions against a large dataset.
In the beginning I thought I read the entire file in our store and work from there. I am just starting to doubt the memory will survive that (what kind of consumption to assume, running on aws).
The alternative I thought about is reading from the files directly, but then I would need to split them (250mb javascript max?) or stream them (good idea?).
Before I start writing code, I would like to understand how to approach this kind of massive (is it?) data most efficiently in Javascript. For now, everything is possible.
Thanks! Jan
I would move your data to a database and server. I would personally make a RESTful api that modifies the data in a database that you would call to within your app.
Since you are writing in Javascript you could create a node server for a RESTful api, and store the data into a database like SQL or noSQL. Then take the data from the json file and put it into the database.
I would suggest looking into all the different database types and using a database to manipulate and hold your data. The big question is relational vs non-relational databases. Read this to get more information on this: http://jlamere.github.io/databases/