We use Alfresco Enterprise platform for our projects.
Our users create contracts in Alfresco folder "../contracts_def" and then start process of approvement. For a example, folder "contracts_def" has the following structure:
Contracts_def (Folder)
|---- contract_name1 (Folder)
| |--- contract_name1.docx (main document)
| |--- ext_file1.docx (document)
|---- contract_name2 (Folder)
|--- contract_name2.docx (main document)
|--- ext_file2.docx (document)
Each main document has set of properties, including status of approvement.
In Alfresco Node browser property's full name is {httр://www.mytest.ru/model/test/contract/1.0}status.
I'd like to fetch list of documents with status "on-sign" within folder "contracts_def".
I've wrote simple script for running in Java Script Console:
var rs = search.query
({ query:
"SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:\"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:contracts/cm:documentLibrary/cm:contracts/cm:contracts_def//*\"')",
language:"cmis-alfresco" });
for (var r in rs)
{ logger.log(rs[r].parent.name + "/" + rs[r].name + "\t" + rs[r].properties.status); }
There are 3 questions:
1) Script works, but Instead of document's status I get "NULL". How I understand, script doesn't return custom property of documents - {httр://www.mytest.ru/model/test/contract/1.0}status, but I can get only none-custom properties, for example {httр://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}creator.
2) I'd like to fetch list of documents which have only status "on-sign", but script will return all specified properties without filtering.
How can I change code for my requirements?
3) Can I get this information using built-in web-scripts of Alfresco?
Thanks in advance.
It is not clear why you want to use CMIS for this if you are running the code in the server-side JavaScript console which has full access to the JavaScript API and native search.
Rather than using JavaScript and CMIS, you might find it easier to first just get a query working by using the Node Browser available in the admin console.
Go to the admin console, then the node browser, and put this in the search box:
PATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:contracts/cm:documentLibrary/cm:contracts/cm:contracts_def//*" =test:status:"on-sign"
Make sure "fts-alfresco" is selected.
Now that you have a working query, you can go back to the JS console and use it in your search.query call.