Search code examples

How to add List behavior to ReferenceManyField?

I have a list of 6k entries related to a ressource.

I would like to be able to list, search and paginate over them in a TabbedForm/FormTab. ReferenceManyField shows a limited number of entries.

What is the recommended way to extend ReferenceManyField or use List instead?


  • According to those two issues: and you cannot use List in ReferenceManyField and the suggested way to do it is having a button that redirects you to the related List component with the proper filter.


    class LinkToRelatedReviews extends React.Component {
        render() {
        return (<FlatButton
            label={ translate("Full list of reviews by user") }
            icon={<ReviewsIcon />}
                <Link to={{
                    pathname: '/reviews',
                    search: stringify({ filter: JSON.stringify({ userId: [] }), page: 1 }),
    export default LinkToRelatedReviews;

    Something like that can be put in UsersShow Component

    <LinkToRelatedReviews params={props.match.params}/>

    under DataGrid that doesn't provide pagination but can fetch some of the results for you.

    You can also see it in action by navigating to: and clicking Customers. This will redirect you to CustomersList filtered by the specific segment.