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Input component for uploading regular files?

There doesn't seem to be an input component for uploading files and I can't manage to edit the existing ImageInput to work either. If anyone has any examples of how to upload non-image files I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • Right, so I managed to come up with a bit of a workaround. I'm sure there has to be an easier way but this is what worked for my individual case.

    I had been using the simpleRestClient whose convertRESTRequestToHTTP function returns the url and options variables which are later passed to fetch. For CREATE cases, it sets them to the following

    url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
    options.method = 'POST';
    options.body = JSON.stringify(;

    So it was sending a string as the request body instead of the FormData that my backend was expecting. I had to create a new FormData object and append all the items from I then attached this form to options.body.