Currently I am creating a SweetAlert2 that displays a Froala HTML editor, This is done in a function called CreatePolicyPopUp (which is triggered on a button click). However, when I press the space bar inside the editor it closes the sweet alert. Previously I was using CKEditor for the html editor but this problem did not happen.
This is a stripped down version of the code that creates the sweet alert and initializes the editor.
CreatePolicyPopUp: function (fromTemplate, duplicatePolicyID, allVals) {
$.get("CreatePolicy.html", function (data) {
html: data,
showCloseButton: false,
showCancelButton: false,
width: 800,
showConfirmButton: false
}).then(function () {
/*initialize editor*/
Could there be anything conflicting between froala and sweetalert2? Or is there a way to disable close on pressing the space bar?
If needed here is the html for my CreatePolicy.html file and also the whole CreatePolicyPopUp function is included.
Thanks to this post I found with a similar problem on an old version of sweetalert. I found out that the sweet alert 2 plugin is listening out for a space key pressed using charactercodes (the space charcode is 32) so to fix it I removed the space bar character from the close sweet alert event.
The easiest way to remove this in the sweetalert2.min.js file was to find "||32===r" and delete it.