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Object Detection API Assertion failed: [maximum box coordinate value is larger than 1.01: ] for resnet models in

I'm using Tensorflow's Object Detection API, but get the following error when training:

InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): assertion failed: [maximum box coordinate value is larger than 1.01: ] [1.47]

I get the error when I use any of the following:

  • faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco
  • rfcn_resnet101_coco

But NOT when I use:

  • ssd_inception_v2_coco
  • ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco

My training images are a mixture of 300x300 and 450x450 pixels. I don't believe any of my bounding boxes are outside the image coordinates. Even if that's the case why would the last two models work but not the resnet models?


  • After looking at my raw bounding box data, turns out there were a few random instances where the bounding box coordinates either had very large numbers or negative numbers (not sure how that happened to begin with). I deleted these and now I have no issue training any of the models.