I have fixed top menu and titlecart dropdown menu issue. When I am on my website before I scroll it down titlecart have correctly dropdown, please check picture below
but when I scroll down and my fixed menu stick to the top and I want to come back and check a cart again title cart look like this:
search form cover titlecart drop down, I know that there is a problem with Z-Index, I tried to find solution everywhere and couldn't find any results. If someone had simmilar issue and know what to do let me know please.
For more information I will add my website
Please let me know if something more is needed to check the issue. Thanks!
You have to set a higher z-index to your header-container element I found that z-index of 10000 works in your case.
.header-container {
z-index: 10000;
As sarcom suggested in the comments, you need to manage the z-indexes in your website so they don't get out of hand and you don't run into similar problems.
Here is a good article on the topic of z-index management: https://medium.com/science-journal/z-index-organization-in-css-5913fd4c25c9