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Spring Boot custom favicon.ico not showing

I know this question has been asked over and over here and there are several solutions. I've tried several of those except the ones that suggests writing you own configuration bean for this. I don't want to do all that just to display a tiny icon it seams overkill. But I can not get it to work. These are the solutions I've tried so far.

  1. just add favicon.ico under static resources and it should doesn't.
  2. spring.mvc.favicon.enabled=false in, no favicon showed at all (which I guess is the whole point of that).
  3. Tried 2 examples of including the favicon as a link in the html pages. Like so: <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.png" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />

Neither of those work.

  1. Tried renaming my own favicon to something else and reference it as above. Does not work.

When inspecting the page in the browser I sometimes get no error at all printed out despite no icon showing, or I get an error saying GET http://localhost:8080/myapp/favicon.png 404 () Where it is refering the type as JSON (which I find strange).

I'm running out of ideas here so if anyone can tell me why this is not working please let me know. Did I perhaps forget one of those magic spring annotations? This is what my main class looks like.

public class JobengineMonitorApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


I am using thymeleaf as the template engine


  • Ok so this appears to be working now. Of course I managed to get it working just after ranting about it :).

    Anyway, what i did was.

    1. Remove @EnableWebMvc from the main class
    2. For added ../ to the href depending on the urls e.g /index was fine but /edit/something.html was not

    Sorry for wasting peoples time but hopefully this could be useful for another rookie like me