I installed this package : https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/
to hide statusbar on android.
I am using this command : StatusBar.hide();
in first page's deviceReady event.
It works well, but when i try to focus some inputs, soft keyboard overlaps on input.
If i remove hide command from my js, there is no problem.
Is this a bug ?
edit :
in config.xmlandroid:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
to android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"
in AndroidManifest.xml.edit 2 :
I want to hide on IOS too. But i tried for android.
Try adding these preferences in your config.xml
<preference name="android-windowSoftInputMode" value="adjustResize" />
<preference name="fullscreen" value="false" />
edit :
Another way you can try
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-keyboard
after that add show listener to it.
window.addEventListener('keyboardDidShow', function () {
// Describe your logic which will be run each time keyboard is shown.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
note :- Tested in chrome and safari