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DOM problem with click initiating a focusout event on a different input

  1. I have an <input type=text> with focusout event handler
  2. I have a <button> with click event handler

Focusout checks whether format in input box is correct. It does so by testing input value against a regular expression. If it fails it displays a message (a div fades-in and -out after some time) and refocuses my input by calling

window.setTimout(function() { $(this).focus(); }, 10);

since I can't refocus in focusout event handler. focusout event can't be cancelled either. Just FYI.

Click collects data from input elements and sends it using Ajax.

The problem

When user TABs their way through the form everything is fine. When a certain input box failes formatting check it gets refocused immediately after user presses TAB.

But when user doesn't use TAB but instead clicks on each individual input field everything works fine until they click the button. focusout fires and sets time-out for refocusing. Since time-out is so short focusing happens afterwards and then click event fires and issues an Ajax request.


I have implemented my formatting check as an independent jQuery plugin that I want to keep that way. It uses .live() to attach focusout on all input fields with a particular attribute where format regular expression is defined.

Data submission is also generic and I don't want to make it dependant on formatting plugin. They should both stay independent.

How can I prevent click event from executing without making these two plugins dependant?

Example code I'm fiddling with

After some searching I've seen that all major browser support document.activeElement but I can't make it work in Chrome. FF and IE both report this being the active element, but Chrome always says it's BODY that is active even though click fired on the button element.

Check this code and click on the button. Test with Chrome and some other browser and see the difference.


  • You could use a flag...

    Live demo:

    So your question is:

    How can I prevent click event from executing without making these two plugins dependent?

    Well, you obviously cannot prevent the click event. If the user wants to click the button, he will, and the click event will trigger. There's nothing you can do about that.

    So the answer to the above question is: You cannot.

    Based on the current conditions, you have to - inside the click handler - retrieve the validation result, and based on that result, decide if form submission should or should not occur.

    JS Code:

        var that = this;    
        valid = this.value.length ? true : false;    
        !valid && window.setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0);            
    $("#Confirm").click(function(e) {    
        if ( !valid ) { return false; }    
        alert('AJAX-TIME :)');    

    HTML Code:

    <input type="text" id="Name">
    <button id="Confirm">OK</button>