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C# StringBuilder : i can't set a specific Microsoft Word line feed

I have created a template in word, basically, a word document with some [Something] to be replaced in a C# console application, and i'm trying to set a spécific character as a line feed.

Indeed, in word, according of the line feed character you are using, it will allow or not the page break into a table cell.

To be very clear, when you have clicked the display all char button, you can see all the special characters.

The one i want to add is this one : good linefeed but, i tried all unicode character i found on wikipedia and i always have this kind of linefeed bad return

I use this librairy to manipulate the docx document :

And this is the code i have used in the "Examples" project of the DocX github librairy :

private static void ModifyTemplate()
// Loading the template
using (DocX document = DocX.Load("D:\\DocX-master\\Examples\\docs\\Template.docx"))
    var sb = new StringBuilder("");

    sb.AppendLine("bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.");
    //Testing all the unicode codes i found here :

    document.ReplaceText("[test]", sb.ToString());
    //Testing with a different encoding
    String test = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()));
    document.ReplaceText("[test]", test);

    #region Saving the modified template on the disk

    // Save all changes to this document.


}// Release this document from memory.


My word template is basically a new docx with the texte [Test] and [Test2] inside

The result with this code :

Sorry i can't post images... so i can't show you the final result... but trust me, none of this unicode seems to produce the right result

To conclude, no matter what unicode code i use, it is impossible to have the good return char

What unicode code i should use? Or what encoding trick should i use to have the linefeed char i seek ?


  • Seems like you need to use "InsertParagraph"

    Paragraph p1 = document.InsertParagraph();
    p1.Append("New Para 1");
    Paragraph p2 = document.InsertParagraph();
    p2.Append("New Para 2");
    Paragraph p3 = document.InsertParagraph();
    p3.Append("New Para 3");
