I have a pretty simple react application using https://github.com/tomchentw/react-google-maps but I'm having difficulty understanding how to get a reference to my current map or how to access the google.maps.Map
object in a custom component.
I found this on the repo, but after reading through the posts I'm still a little confused.
I'm starting my application building off of the DirectionsRenderer example.
What I want to do next is add my own custom components for picking the starting point and using the Google Maps autocomplete API.
Yes, I know that the package has a component for that already, but I need to do a little more than just search for a location on the map.
In order to accomplish my needs I will do something like
const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(node);
autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map);
Where node
is the element I'm binding the autocomplete functionality and map
is an instance of the google.maps.Map
My application thus far:
const App = ({ store }) => (
<Provider store={store}>
<StartingPoint defaultText="Choose starting point…" />
<GoogleApiWrapper />
const GoogleMapHOC = compose(
googleMapURL: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places&key=__GAPI_KEY',
loadingElement: <div style={{ height: '100vw' }} />,
containerElement: <div style={{ height: '100vh' }} />,
mapElement: <div style={{ height: '100%' }} />,
componentDidMount() {
const DirectionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
// make google object available to other components
origin: new google.maps.LatLng(41.8507300, -87.6512600),
destination: new google.maps.LatLng(41.8525800, -87.6514100),
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING,
}, (result, status) => {
if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
directions: result,
} else {
console.error(`error fetching directions ${result}`);
)(props => (
defaultCenter={new google.maps.LatLng(37.771336, -122.446615)}
{props.directions && <DirectionsRenderer directions={props.directions} />}
If I'm unable to access the google.maps.Map
object outside of the wrapper I would alternatively like to access a reference to the element that contains the map so that I may instantiate a new google.maps.Map(ref_to_elem, options);
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
After thoroughly reading through the react-google-maps documentation, examples, and issues I have come to learn that the package does not support a lot of the things I will need to do for my application.
That being said, I have begun writing my own Google Maps API wrapper based off of the work done by Fullstack React. I've omitted a lot of the utilities used in the below mentioned as they can be found here or here.
That being said my solution is to wrap the google maps container in a higher order component and expose the Map
Object via the window
const App = ({ store }) => (
<Provider store={store}>
<StartingPoint />
{/* TODO */}
<GoogleMap />
containers/GoogleMap/wrapper.jsx Google Map Higher Order Component wraps GoogleMap Container
const defaultCreateCache = (options) => {
const opts = options || {};
const apiKey = opts.apiKey;
const libraries = opts.libraries || ['places'];
const version = opts.version || '3.24';
const language = opts.language || 'en';
return ScriptCache({
google: GoogleApi({
const wrapper = options => (WrappedComponent) => {
const createCache = options.createCache || defaultCreateCache;
class Wrapper extends Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.scriptCache = createCache(options);
this.state = {
loaded: false,
google: null,
onLoad() {
this.GAPI = window.google;
this.setState({ loaded: true, google: this.GAPI });
render() {
const props = Object.assign({}, this.props, {
loaded: this.state.loaded,
google: window.google,
const mapRef = (el) => { this.map = el; };
return (
<WrappedComponent {...props} />
<div ref={mapRef} />
Wrapper.propTypes = {
dispatchGoogleAPI: PropTypes.func,
Wrapper.defaultProps = {
dispatchGoogleAPI: null,
return Wrapper;
export default wrapper;
containers/GoogleMap/index.jsx Google Map Container
class Container extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.loadMap = this.loadMap.bind(this);
this.calcRoute = this.calcRoute.bind(this);
componentDidUpdate() {
const { origin, destination, route } = this.props;
this.calcRoute(origin, destination);
loadMap(node) {
if (this.props && this.props.google) {
const { google } = this.props;
// instantiate Direction Service
this.directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
this.directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
suppressMarkers: true,
const zoom = 13;
const mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP;
const lat = 37.776443;
const lng = -122.451978;
const center = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
const mapConfig = Object.assign({}, {
this.map = new google.maps.Map(node, mapConfig);
// make the map instance available to other components
window.map = this.map
calcRoute(origin, destination) {
const { google, route } = this.props;
if (!origin && !destination && !route) return;
const waypts = [];
location: new google.maps.LatLng(37.415284, -122.076899),
stopover: true,
const start = new google.maps.LatLng(origin.lat, origin.lng);
const end = new google.maps.LatLng(destination.lat, destination.lng);
const request = {
origin: start,
destination: end,
waypoints: waypts,
optimizeWaypoints: true,
travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING,
this.directionsService.route(request, (response, status) => {
if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
const route = response.routes[0];
createMarker(latlng) {
const { google } = this.props;
const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
map: this.map,
render() {
return (
<GoogleMapView loaded={this.props.loaded} loadMap={this.loadMap} />
const GoogleMapContainer = wrapper({
apiKey: ('YOUR_API_KEY'),
version: '3', // 3.*
libraries: ['places'],
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
origin: state.Trip.origin,
destination: state.Trip.destination,
route: state.Trip.route,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
dispatchGoogleMap: (map) => {
calculateRoute: (route) => {
const GoogleMap = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(GoogleMapContainer);
export default GoogleMap;